Stop The Abuse Of Animals In Your Area
I'm sure most of us, or at least some of us have been in contact with an abused animal.  Have you ever wondered how to help that animal?  Do you want to know how to help that animal?  It's very simple.  Call the ASPCA in your area now.  That is the best thing you can do for it.  But what should you do if your neighbours have run off and left an injured dog in it's yard?  DO NOT approach the dog!  Very simple.  More importantly do not let YOUR CHILDREN approach the dog!  The dog could seem friendly at first, but unless you know the animal well, and even then, I do not reccomend approaching him.  If you pet the animal you might touch a sore spot and in reaction to the pain he might bite you or your child.  BUT DO NOT GO NEAR THE ANIMAL!  The best thing you can do is call animal controll or the local ASPCA and wait for them to come and get him so he can get the help he needs.

What about the person with the cat that keeps limping around and coming to our door?  Again Call the ASPCA if they aren't taking the animal to the vet, it might just be the cat has arthritis in her hip, but I would again advise unless you know the animal do not make any attempt to pet or feed it.  Let the ASPCA take care of it.

Also another thing you can do if you cannot find the appropraite numbers for animal controll or the ASPCA in your area is call your local police.  They will help you get in contact with the right people if they do not come out themselves.

Please Stop the Abuse Of Animals In Your Area, Call, and Donate to the ASPCA.